Mission of CECO School of Adjutancy

It is the mission of the CECO School of Adjutancy to train and mentor adjutants and armor bearers, as servants of God's leaders, in the areas of: Episcopal and church protocol, Apostolic order, and discipleship, to promote unification among the servants of Christ, to be a front line of defense and a constant source of strength for the leaders of this Apostolic work.

History of the Adjutancy

The Adjutancy was first conceived in 1971 and formed a year later under the direction and from the spirit of Archbishop J. D. Ellis, II, current Chair and President of the Joint College of African-American Pentecostal Bishops. Since then, the Adjutancy has spread among those of Pentecostal persuasion to become the Servant-Ministry of excellence it is today.

Within CECO, it was determined that there was a need for a corps of persons well versed in areas of liturgy, ethics and protocol, as well as subjects related to Episcopal traditions and vestments, who could provide stability and order especially  during gatherings of the Fellowship. Further, this corps would be called upon to assist in shaping the Fellowship by promoting uniformity as set forth by the Presiding Prelate, all the while seeing to the many nuances of servant-hood for their own leaders and prelates.

It has been further determined that those serving as adjutants to bishops needed a central location from which to receive guidance on policy, and a "voice" from which would emanate consistency in structure, and promote order in the Fellowship. Within the Fellowship, this would serve to be a hub for information and spiritual guidance, providing clarity and direction as set forth by the Presiding Prelate and the Executive Council. This guidance would include areas of general service, discipleship, protocol, Apostolic order and Ecclesiastical dress.

After much prayer, consideration and through the leading of the Spirit, the CECO leadership brought to the Presiding Prelate their desire to develop  CECO's School of Adjutancy. Out of the need to perpetuate order in the Fellowship, in the Spring of 2011 CECO's School of Adjutancy was born. Since this time, Bishop A. Peat has been appointed as our first Adjutant-Bishop andGeneral Overseer D. Stevens assists him as the first Dean of the School. In creating this School, it is the desire of CECO to not only promote order and learning through service of excellence and discipleship, but to serve as a place of training and refreshing for the servants of God's leaders.

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